Amazon Is Developing ‘Black America,’ An Alt-History Slavery Reparations Series

@aaronmcgruder23/Twitter, Will Packer/IMDB
Amazon is developing Black America, an alternate history drama series where freed slaves have control over the South. The news follows the recent controversial announcement of HBO’s upcoming drama series Confederate, which will explore slavery being a legal and modern day institution. Although both series are tackling an alternate timeline, Black America and Confederate will take rather distinctive approaches.
Black America hails from top feature producer Will Packer and Award-winning The Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder. Set in the present day, the series will envision a sovereign nation called New Colonia, formed by freed slaves. After two decades of peace with the United States and exceptional growth, New Colonia has joined the status of major industrialized nations, all while America falls into a hurried decline.
The series has been in development since early February, first reported by Deadline, but HBO’s announcement of Confederate is what ultimately prompted the producers behind Black America to reveal the project in more detail.
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